Bornite is an important copper ore mineral and occurs widely in porphyry copper deposits along with the more common chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite and bornite are both typically replaced by chalcocite and covellite in the supergene enrichment zone of copper deposits. Bornite is also found as disseminations in mafic igneous rocks, in contact metamorphic skarn deposits, in pegmatites and in sedimentary cupriferous shales.[3] It is important as an ore for its copper content of about 63 percent by mass.[2]
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Bornite is a copper iron sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu5FeS4. It occurs in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Minable concentrations of bornite occur in hydrothermal veins, contact metamorphic zones, and in the enriched zone of many sulfide mineral deposits.
Chalcopyrite, marcasite, and pyrite are other sulfide minerals commonly associated with bornite. Small amounts of bornite are also found disseminated through mafic igneous rocks and carbonaceous shales.
Bornite is easily recognized because it tarnishes to iridescent shades of blue, purple, red, green and yellow. It is commonly called "peacock ore" or "purple copper ore" after these iridescent colors. Upon surface exposure, bornite will weather to chalcocite or other copper minerals.
Bornite is a popular and fast-selling mineral specimen at museums, mineral shows, and tourist shops. However, some material sold as "peacock ore" has a tarnish with spectacular colors - greatly exceeding what is expected on bornite. This material is frequently chalcopyrite that has been intentionally tarnished with acid. This treatment is done to produce an item that is visually appealing and sells rapidly.
The colorful iridescent tarnish of bornite and its low hardness are very helpful for separating bornite from other minerals with a submetallic to metallic luster. Few of them have a similar tarnish, and most of them are much harder.
What are some similarities between these glasses and birthday suits? They both tease and look edible when seen. (Don't eat the glasses, though. Even if they're on top of a delicious cake. Also don't bake cakes with bornite because people might lose teeth.)
History and Tradition: Bornite has gone through a number of name changes over the years. It was originally included with kupferkies in 1725 by Johann Friedrich Henckel, assigned various multi-word Latin names by Johan Gottschalk Wallerius in 1747, and further translated to purple copper ore and variegated copper ore in 1802 by Rene Just Haüy. It was also called buntkupfererz by Abraham Gottlieb Werner in 1791, phillipsite in 1832 by Wilhelm Sulpice Beudant, and finally renamed bornite in 1845 by Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger in honour of Ignaz von Born (1742-1791), Austrian mineralogist and invertebrate zoologist. There are no traditions associated with this mineral.
The discovery of the bornite vein was made in the 1890's. Development work on the mine began in 1903 with the financial backing of the The Bornite Gold and Copper Mining Company of Bangor Maine. A mining camp was established near Copper Creek and was appropriately named Copper, and later called Bornite, Washington.
Chalcopyrite mineral samples from Morocco, exhibiting typical yellow brassy colour with a metallic lustre. Lower grade when compared to our Norwegian stock but also includes occurrences of bornite which is a blue colour. Samples are available in 3 sizes, each supplied in a labelled card tray. 041b061a72